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It sounds theoretical at this Si Tu Peux Supporter MELANIE Tu Peux Tout Supporter Dans La Vie Shirt, but various sciences including physics, greater understanding of brain physiology, and increased computer processing power should make it possible to download our thoughts and memories onto hard drives of some sort within 100 years. Thereby creating immorality of the mind. Then it becomes an existential debate over whether that is actually considered life anymore. Joe Cobarrubio Altered Carbon is a show I recently watched that sort of revolves around that. It does bring up an interesting thing when we suggest living forever. The spinning of the nickel iron core at the heart of Earth generates the electromagnetic field that deflects much of the radiation from the sun. As it slows the magnetic field surrounding the planet weakens, leaving it vulnerable to solar radiation. It’s quite possible it will slow enough within a billion years to cause the collapse of the protective field. Its just another possible scenario. 
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Hopefully we won’t be relegated to one lonely planet by that time. A billion years is too Long time even to comprehend, yes if all life will vanish, we need not worry too much, no point living alone in barren inhospitable land. Love life when earth is still so beautiful. Well first of all we are currently following the sun and the sun is following other things. Everything is travelling towards the centre,of milky way galaxy every second. The earth is being piloted by the suns gravity otherwise it would go on its own to the centre. It will eventually get closer to sun and get engulfed or the sun grows bigger and engulfs it. Any one. You can see all the planets stars and mini galaxies in the galaxy moving in this program called NASA eyes. Its free and available for download. Need good internet and computer to run it. Jeremy Moss, I had the same question and was glad to find yours. I began to read the answers and was very disappointed by the low IQ of people here until I found the filtered "relevant" answers, which are good. A Si Tu Peux Supporter MELANIE Tu Peux Tout Supporter Dans La Vie Shirt of astronomers, physicists and others would need to get together for some generations to come up with a solution. 
