sheer number of ostriches with their heads buried in the sand is terrifying.
99.9% of climatologists (that's scientists that specialize in climates, with
decades of experience and PhDs and everything) agree that climate change is
real. This is a scientific document (publication) stating that 90% of
scientists believe that Climate Change (Global Warming) is caused by humans. It
doesn't argue that there is a climate change, because it IS changing and you
can't argue with facts. This is just arguing the CAUSE. Governments won't fund
climatologists who challenge and publish data contradicting global warming or
climate change. The consensus on climate change is biased like everything else
shoved down your throat by the MSM. No funds. No research. No complete answers.
It's been happening for millions of years it's called the circle of life!!!!
Mother earth will do what she wants to when she wants to do it. Mother Earth
will wipe 2018 Astros Back To Back V-neck Shirt away as if never existed at all ( if we don't blow it up
beforehand ) and the natural world will thrive and continue. WE have forced her
hand into survival mode. WE are the virus that needs dealt with. WE are
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Even if climate change 'isnt real' please tell my why it is okay for
humans to chop down so many trees, please tell me why it is okay for humans to
litter the oceans with plastic? The animals in the ocean are dying, the air is
so polluted it is unsafe to breath. Even if we may not agree 'climate change'
is real, can't we all agree there some serious damage that has been done to
mother Earth and no matter WHAT YOU BELIEVE, it is our duty to fix it!!! Please
stop spreading the myth of climate change, over half the world is under snow
and both polar ice caps have exceeded their growth from last year. Please just
stop with the "climate change" nonsense. Really? Can you tell me why
Wisconsin never has winter anymore? 2018 Astros Back To Back V-neck Shirt haven't had a normal winter in about 20
years. The ski slopes here have to make artificial snow. Our summers are hotter
and hotter, the winters are like March. Several states are on fire. Climate
change is a lot more than the polar ice caps, it's a lot more than whether it
is snowing anywhere, there are sea animals being obliterated because of the
heating up of the oceans. One thing that should never, ever be reduced down to
some kind of simple "yes or no" answer is the dang planet's ability
to sustain life. You do know that "global warming" is the exact
opposite of what's behind the name right? "Global warming" will cause
another mini ice age Faye Megan. You're like 13, so I don't expect you to
At: Gravartees
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At: Gravartees
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