true, Southerners don't like honking their car horn. Here are 8 other ways
we're more polite than everyone else . How southern are you talking? I
live in south florida and people down here honk their horn before the light
even turns green. What are you talking bout? I'm from southern Texas and love
blasting my horn at people who don't know how to drive. Chris Dalton I hate to
break it to you, but "southerners" don't consider Texas the south.
It's western. The true "south" stops at the border of Louisiana and
Texas. Same goes for south Florida, which doesn't have a southern culture
anymore. that explains a lot for me.
My dad was from Texas and my mom was from New Orleans. I need not say more, and I consider myself a Texan. I have always wondered why I am not a part of Southern Culture! It's because I did not grow up in Southern Culture even though I grew up in the South my whole life except for, or, rather, including Southern Germany!... some of that South being Texas and some being New Orleans, both debatable haha. I can't get the link, but here are the contradictory definitive words on the What is South or Southern issue
Get it here.
Review Unicorn Today Is Not The Day I Will Shank You With My Horn Shirt
Search on it's a southern things Facebook page or wherever else you find their videos. Well, all I know is the no honking doesn't hold true here in Birmingham. In fact, I get blown at everyday. But, I don't blow much, unless I'm really mad, haha! But at least the blowing isn't as bad as in Atlanta. I am a born and raised Floridian and I AM southern. I say "yes ma'am/no ma'am (or sir), I respect my elders, I open doors for others, I work hard for everything I have and try to be as honest as I can. I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the second amendment! I eat grapes in my chicken salad and fat back in my green beans but NASCAR SUCKS...sorry not sorry! that is exactly right!!! They lay on the horn with the middle finger out the window if your lucky it could be a gun... You just don't go to NOLA anymore for anything!! Especially after dark!! I never use my horn so I just wait instead xD there are times when I almost get into an accident, but am too overwhelmed with shock for my brain to even tell me to honk my horn .
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So fake/phoney polite. At least we are not fake in Jersey and New York. I believe in manners but do not smile in my face while you are telling me to go F myself with a smile. The biggest difference I noticed while living down south was that Southerners were always polite and that you never knew what they really thought about you. This was in contrast to Midwestern transplants who believed that directness is the sincerest form of honesty. Neither is right or wrong. Born and raised in South Carolina. I have no Southern accent and I can't stand sweet tea. I'm an anomaly too. I wouldn’t honk if curse flip you off and shout at you. Lol I’ve got bad road rage and I don’t even drive! Lol sorry not sorry. Horn use is so normal in chicago - I laughed when asked once how many times I've used my horn in my life. Like really, I have no idea. 30? 50? I only lived in chicago for 3 years. So true ! And it’s a beautiful thing! I was born and raised and NY and refuse to go back because I need hospitality in my life.
Homepage: Gravartees
My dad was from Texas and my mom was from New Orleans. I need not say more, and I consider myself a Texan. I have always wondered why I am not a part of Southern Culture! It's because I did not grow up in Southern Culture even though I grew up in the South my whole life except for, or, rather, including Southern Germany!... some of that South being Texas and some being New Orleans, both debatable haha. I can't get the link, but here are the contradictory definitive words on the What is South or Southern issue
Get it here.
Review Unicorn Today Is Not The Day I Will Shank You With My Horn Shirt
Search on it's a southern things Facebook page or wherever else you find their videos. Well, all I know is the no honking doesn't hold true here in Birmingham. In fact, I get blown at everyday. But, I don't blow much, unless I'm really mad, haha! But at least the blowing isn't as bad as in Atlanta. I am a born and raised Floridian and I AM southern. I say "yes ma'am/no ma'am (or sir), I respect my elders, I open doors for others, I work hard for everything I have and try to be as honest as I can. I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the second amendment! I eat grapes in my chicken salad and fat back in my green beans but NASCAR SUCKS...sorry not sorry! that is exactly right!!! They lay on the horn with the middle finger out the window if your lucky it could be a gun... You just don't go to NOLA anymore for anything!! Especially after dark!! I never use my horn so I just wait instead xD there are times when I almost get into an accident, but am too overwhelmed with shock for my brain to even tell me to honk my horn .
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So fake/phoney polite. At least we are not fake in Jersey and New York. I believe in manners but do not smile in my face while you are telling me to go F myself with a smile. The biggest difference I noticed while living down south was that Southerners were always polite and that you never knew what they really thought about you. This was in contrast to Midwestern transplants who believed that directness is the sincerest form of honesty. Neither is right or wrong. Born and raised in South Carolina. I have no Southern accent and I can't stand sweet tea. I'm an anomaly too. I wouldn’t honk if curse flip you off and shout at you. Lol I’ve got bad road rage and I don’t even drive! Lol sorry not sorry. Horn use is so normal in chicago - I laughed when asked once how many times I've used my horn in my life. Like really, I have no idea. 30? 50? I only lived in chicago for 3 years. So true ! And it’s a beautiful thing! I was born and raised and NY and refuse to go back because I need hospitality in my life.
Homepage: Gravartees
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