Don’t Mess With Me I Have A Crazy Grandma Who Happened To Cuss A Lot TShirt

Hope you have had fun today, see you soon xx. My grandfather always let me hang with him in the garden. When I see certain flowers I think of him. Squash flowers and tomatoes. Moving sod from one place to another in the wheel barrel and he gave me rides at the same time. My Nanny lived 4 houses down from me, I saw her every single day. She was the most amazing woman I have ever known. She had dementia. I watched it steal her life. Stop it. This article is insulting to people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's and their loved ones. Cripes! I've been doing this for 10 years already! My youngest grandchild is now almost 3... So I have a bit more to do. Best job ever. I believe keeping your mind active, which children do help you do, has to be a plus in helping to avoid dementia.,I don't think it's always that simple, however but personally, I know watching my grands helps me feel, act and be healthier. Please don't share things like this.
Yes, remaining healthy, eating fresh and being active may DELAY the onset, but if you have the gene, you cannot prevent Alzheimer's if it mutates.
Speak to professional Drs and word your headlines correctly! yep it's not a 1-800 number and i now may be 8 hours away..but i can be there in a flash.......or anyone can come here whenever...g ma is always available for whatever you need....xxxxooooo. Ok then, that's settled Zane Reyes and Eden Reyes. I'm caring for you offspring you must go off to work. My mental health depends on it. I wish I could call both grandmas !! 

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Review Don’t Mess With Me I Have A Crazy Grandma Who Happened To Cuss A Lot TShirt

But to far away !! Both of them !! Sad my Daughter had to grow up with out both grandmas !!!😢😢and they are both great women's !!! Oh good they do keep me hopping and laughing,smiling and proud of each one and their parents. Good to know I may not lose my mind. Interesting research. However my precious grandmother and great grandmother both had early onset at my age and I spent plenty of time with her .  your kids with your in laws and mom... mine will not remember much of the love from mommy and the other grandparents .  I think babysitting my grandkids keeps me active and I love it. Know matter what the best thing in my life is being a mom / grandmother! Watched this after blazing up and I totally thought that dog was real too. I was like "yeah...why won't you give her your paw sparky?" Lmao . 

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This one time my brother made some weed brownies, I had to be around 14. I wanted to try one so after he made me swear on a stack of bibles, swear on my life, cross my heart and hope to die, pinky promise and secret hand shake (that I wouldn't tell our mom) he gave me one. At first I was like this is nothing give me another piece so he did. About 5 minutes in I started tripping. I thought I was going to die. My brother and his friends was laughing so hard at me, I was crying and asking them to feel my heart bc I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I was going from sad to mad then back to sad again. They just kept laughing. Finally after they got all they laughs out he made me drink a glass of milk and told me to lay down. My mom was on her way home and he would of got in big trouble. I swore that I would never smoke again. 

